The lumbar spine unites the thoracic region with the sacrum, is characterized by great mobility and has 5 vertebrae. Regardless of a person's lifestyle, this part of the ridge is subjected to quite heavy loads every day. Therefore, lumbar osteochondrosis is considered a very common pathology in which the discs between the vertebrae are deformed. In the absence of proper treatment, dangerous complications can develop.

Common symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
The first and main sign of the formation of the disease is a constant sharp pain in the lumbar region. The pain can come on suddenly. The back loses flexibility, it is difficult for a person to perform turns or tilts. In certain situations, the pain can spread to the lower extremities or the buttocks.
The following main signs of the disease are distinguished:
- pain increases with the slightest physical activity, when coughing or sneezing;
- impaired mobility of the lower back after a long stay in one position;
- constant tension of the back muscles;
- Back pain;
- tingling and tingling sensation, coldness in the lower extremities;
- sensory disturbance in the thighs, buttocks, and sometimes the foot;
- impaired sweating;
- spasm of the arteries of the feet, the pulse may disappear;
- in painful areas, peeling, as well as dry skin, loss of sensitivity is possible.
Very often, a patient suffering from lumbar osteochondrosis has general irritability and fatigue. It is difficult for a person to find a comfortable position to relax in bed, and as a result, the patient's sleep is disturbed. Also, with this pathology, there may be a violation of the functions of the organs of the genitourinary system.
Medical treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis
Treatment of the disease with the help of drugs is prescribed:
- to alleviate the pain;
- to relax tense muscles;
- to relieve inflammation in the nerve endings;
- to improve metabolism in tissues;
- to restore damaged cartilage tissue;
- to normalize blood flow.
All of the above tasks are solved by an individual treatment regimen correctly chosen by the doctor.
For the treatment of the disease, the following drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets:
- to relieve pain, analgesics are used that have a rapid effect - Analgin. It must be remembered that in the acute course of osteochondrosis, these drugs are characterized by a short-term effect;
- to relieve pain and reduce inflammation, use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- chondroprotectors are used to protect cartilage tissue from further destruction;
- in addition, to improve the patient's condition, it is recommended to take in the form of vitamin tablets, immunomodulators.
Drug therapy involves the use of creams, ointments, and gels. All drugs for topical application can be divided into the following groups:
- Medications containing pain relievers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This group has an analgesic effect;
- combined drugs. These drugs contribute to tissue repair, have anti-inflammatory and absorbable effects. They are characterized by their analgesic and thrombolytic effect;
- Medicines that have analgesic effects, as well as locally irritating. They dilate blood vessels, increase blood flow to the affected area, normalize metabolic processes;
- chondroprotectors in the form of topical agents;
- Homeopathic remedies are characterized by an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. They have an analgesic and restorative effect.
In addition, massage balms, which have a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect, show a good effect. These drugs are characterized by an analgesic effect.
We should not forget about such a method of drug therapy in the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis as injections. The injections help the medicine enter the body in a short time. Spinal blocks are considered effective - the introduction of an anesthetic in places with affected nerve roots. This method achieves rapid pain relief.
Blockades are prescribed for the urgent relief of pain, reduction of spasms, tension and tension in the muscles, and a positive effect on the inflammatory process.
In addition to blockades, with lumbar osteochondrosis, ordinary injections for intramuscular or intravenous administration are also prescribed.
Sedatives, anticonvulsants and antidepressants can be used to relieve psychoneurological pathologies.
With manifestations of radiculopathy, the doctor prescribes diuretic drugs, and with paralysis - taking anticholinesterase drugs.
The pharmaceutical industry produces a large number of drugs to combat the disease, the reception of which can only be prescribed by a doctor.
Physiotherapy treatment for lumbar osteochondrosis
For the effectiveness of therapy for lumbar osteochondrosis, drug treatment must be supplemented by physiotherapy:
- electrotherapy is considered one of the most common methods of relieving pain in inflamed muscles. The procedure uses a low power current. The course of treatment - 6 procedures;
- Laser therapy allows you to eliminate inflammation, improves microcirculation. The affected area is affected by electromagnetic waves and quantum particles. Penetrating deep into the tissues, the infrared ray stimulates metabolic processes, activates the restoration of cartilage tissue;
- arresting therapy. The essence of the method is the extension of the spine under its own weight. A special mattress is used. The method allows you to normalize muscle tone;
- shock wave therapy can relieve pain and relieve swelling. The essence of the method is the impact of constant or variable magnetic fields of different frequencies;
- Ultrasound therapy helps relieve inflammation and pain. Ultrasonic waves, acting punctually on the affected areas, activate metabolic processes.
Also, ultraviolet radiation and vibration therapy can be used in vibration massagers.
Lumbar osteochondrosis is considered a fairly common disease. With untimely treatment, pathology can cause dangerous complications. Complex therapy of osteochondrosis usually eliminates the unpleasant manifestations of the disease and returns the patient to everyday life.